Saturday, 20 February 2016

New website and new offers.

We have been in our Coxhoe studio for 2 years now and business is going very well. Catering for a wide range of people has proven to be a great idea. Our family friendly attitude and sensible price structure has seen people come along and have a great experience without the fear of daft prices some photographers dream up. 

Our new website is proving very popular with the number of views going up each day. We have tried to make the visitor experience as easy as possible. We have also listed a couple of offers plus we have included our very popular super saver sharing offer which is designed to share with family and friends.

We will be adding to our product range too with some exciting additions plus a new range of Prints only options. If you are looking for a photography company where customer satisfaction is the only objective then go to and see what we can do for you.

Thanks to Matt at Sedgefield Web Design for his sleepless nights and amazing results. If you need a website you can get in touch with him at

Thanks for reading the blog.

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